Serving Overseas
Chibobo Maternity Clinic
Over the years, our parish has contributed to the building of a health clinic in a rural village in Zambia, known as Chibobo. This clinic is run by one health professional who sees on average 100 patients per day. This clinic is overrun with need from people all across the district, with a range of different illnesses. As a parish, we will be supplying medical equipment and resuscitation equipment for an area of health that causes such high mortality rates.
In 2019 we were able to contribute to the purchase of a much needed ambulance for the Chibobo clinic. We continue to support through prayer and contributions towards maintainance.
Mission of the Month
Each month we support a different para-church mission partner, chosen by our Social Responsibility Committee. These include organisations such as the Church Missionary Society, TEAR Australia, Bush Church Aid, Anglican Overseas Aid, HICH, Anglicare and Kids Hope.
Parish Project
Each year we choose a particular special focus mission project to support. In 2023 we are seeking to support a church community impacted by the recent floods.